Corporate Responsibility
Responsibility from conviction
At HELLER we are constantly striving to achieve the best reliability, stability and quality in our products, in our processes and in our conduct. Responsible and sustainable actions are therefore firmly anchored in our company values and corporate policy. This also comprises, in addition to resource-saving processes as part of an integrated environmental and quality management system, a strong awareness for social aspects of daily communication.
Company organisation
The topic of sustainability is very important to us. Sustainability is embedded in the company as a strategic initiative and is led by the CFO of the HELLER Group. Our Sustainability Manager consolidates and co-ordinates all relevant issues and develops them together with the relevant colleagues in the Sustainability Team.
Occupational safety & environmental protection
Ensuring employees' safety in the workplace and avoiding danger to people and the environment is the top priority for HELLER. We guarantee workplace and health protection in accordance with applicable national and international agreements and check their efficacy. Grievances are disclosed and handled without delay.
We avoid causing damage to the environment and use natural resources sparingly. We also aim to treat our products in the same manner. It goes without saying that we comply with environmental protection laws. Our products and services must meet the highest requirements in terms of quality and safety. We monitor and improve how our products are used and their effect on the environment, and help our customers to avoid risks. To this end, HELLER has implemented an environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001. In doing so, HELLER takes environmental responsibility beyond legal requirements.
In addition, the company prepares an annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report in line with the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and based on ISO 14064. The report describes the greenhouse gas performance of the HELLER Group and sets it in relation to the base year 2019. Transparent reporting of greenhouse gas emissions enables us to take targeted action to improve our company’s performance. You are interested in our latest Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report? Our Sustainability Manager, Stefan Wölffing, will be happy to provide you with a copy.

Quality Management
All products and services from HELLER stand for quality. Thanks to our high product diversity, standardized processes are the basis for efficiency and effectiveness. The product development process guarantees the early avoidance of errors and deviations in the manufacturing process.
Also part and parcel of our company DNA is the need to continuously improve and optimize our processes. To underline this agenda, the HELLER Quality management is certified to ISO 9001.
You can gain an overview of our certificates in our Download Center.
HELLER Code of Conduct
The conduct of each individual employee forms the basis of our credibility and the trust that our customers, business partners, colleagues and the public place in us. Accordingly, it has a significant influence on the good reputation and the successful future of our company.
We abide by the laws and regulations of the countries in which we work. We adhere to agreements made, which are the foundation of long-term and sustainable business relationships. Reliability requires our employees to conduct themselves in an honest manner at all times and is the basis of reliable, stable and high-quality products and processes.
The HELLER code of conduct is a model for ensuring ethical behavior in accordance with our values and identity.
Social responsibility
We live and experience a social value system that takes account of the company's goals and the interests of the workforce in equal measure.
Through parental leave models, sabbaticals and part-time agreements, we create family-friendly working conditions to promote the opportunity for working parents to strike a better work/life balance. The regular events for those celebrating anniversaries and former employees are also testimony to the high level of appreciation at HELLER.
We see the health of our employees as an important element of the company's success. We promote good health through varied programs under our health management strategy. Moreover, the company's counselling service also deals with employees' company, financial or family concerns.
The social aspect is an important element for HELLER even at the training stage: The HELLER Apprentice Initiative (HAI) exemplifies voluntary work. Time and time again, HELLER trainees take part in volunteer projects, organize fund raising activities and commit to integrating people with disabilities.
A look into the "inner workings" of HELLER shows just how diverse social responsibility can be lived and experienced. We encourage good relations and take the needs of people seriously. And because employees feel good at HELLER, they are willing to give their best. The excellent products and services from HELLER are testimony to this – not least by the long service given by our employees, mostly over 20 years and some for as long as 50 years.
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